At one time many of us dreamed of having a computer that could run as fast as 60MHz. The first computers I used ran around 1MHz. Compilation will take longer on a slower machine, but that really isn't a big deal. If the computer is reliable and the build scripts are correct, you can just let the process run over days or weeks. I've run many tasks in my life that took days or weeks. Cue "compiling":
The real problem is debugging. Debugging the process on a slow system can be unpleasant due to long turn-arounds. Historically the solution is to work in stages & be able to restart at different points (so you don't have to do the whole process each time). That would work here too. In this case, there's an additional option: you can debug the scripts on a much faster though less trustworthy system. Then, once it works, you can run it on the slower system.
The real problem is debugging. Debugging the process on a slow system can be unpleasant due to long turn-arounds. Historically the solution is to work in stages & be able to restart at different points (so you don't have to do the whole process each time). That would work here too. In this case, there's an additional option: you can debug the scripts on a much faster though less trustworthy system. Then, once it works, you can run it on the slower system.