I wonder a bit why all those next-gen (often HTML-based) terminal attempts have not been successful (e.g. TermKit: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30517205). Probably because SSH/Mosh/Tmux concepts are difficult to take over there, and those are somewhat crucial. And text folding or graphics also would have issues w.r.t. those (see also the linked discussions).
DomTerm (https://domterm.org) supports both those features, but it does not work with Mosh+Tmux, which is my main use case.
* text folding (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/terminal-wg/specifications/-/..., https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52812618/ansi-escape-seq...)
* graphics (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/terminal-wg/specifications/-/...)
I wonder a bit why all those next-gen (often HTML-based) terminal attempts have not been successful (e.g. TermKit: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30517205). Probably because SSH/Mosh/Tmux concepts are difficult to take over there, and those are somewhat crucial. And text folding or graphics also would have issues w.r.t. those (see also the linked discussions).
DomTerm (https://domterm.org) supports both those features, but it does not work with Mosh+Tmux, which is my main use case.