How are we supposed to increase outcomes if we don't have the screenings?
Sure maybe the first few years the outcomes may not change, but what about 20 years from now, when a generation of scientists can detect cancer years earlier?
The defeatist attitude of "well it doesn't fix anything right now" is really strange. Once we have reliable detection, it means we can find reliable treatment as well.
Yes, I agree, but it also could lead to over treatment. If you detect and treat cancer that otherwise never would have caused problems, it was all for naught.
Cancer rates found in autopsies for other causes of death are probably higher than you think.
Do you mean improve outcomes? Assuming that’s what you mean, improvement of outcomes for cancer patients seems more reliant on proper treatment rather than detection.
That’s right now, because we don’t have early treatment options. Once we can early detect I bet improved outcomes will increase as we develop new ways to fight them.
Sure maybe the first few years the outcomes may not change, but what about 20 years from now, when a generation of scientists can detect cancer years earlier?
The defeatist attitude of "well it doesn't fix anything right now" is really strange. Once we have reliable detection, it means we can find reliable treatment as well.