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I used to think that I need to work in an office is a prerequisite for getting things done, and since becoming an off-site consultant, I've completely changed my mind. I found that the commute does wonders to dull the brain. In addition, while in someone else's office, the environment almost invariably sucks. Lousy chairs, horrible flickering fluorescent lights and no sunlight, nasty cubicles. Then there's everyone who comes by to say something or interrupt me. Horrible.

In my home office, I control the environment. I have an excellent chair, plenty of natural light, and the ability to go to the kitchen to munch on an apple or some other good snack. I don't have to make excuses if I want to go for a run at 2pm.

The major downside of a home office is that I feel like I have to be more productive than the on-site members of my team, and end up putting in more hours. In an office, I watch the clock like a hawk and get the hell out at 6 o'clock sharp, unless there's an emergency.

YMMV, of course. It seems like productivity in an office varies widely from person to person.

I probably got lucky. The office space I'm working in is amazing and my office space at home is messy, dark, and disorganized.

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