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Dark Matter is not the same as antimatter, which CERN did produce. There are speculations if there are antimatter galaxies out there and that they are in fact the dark Matter that we search for. But dark matter is in essence matter that should be there, e.g. because a solar system behaves like it is in its gravitational field, but cannot be detected by our instruments. Maybe it is a flaw in our theory, like the time we found out that newtons physic has some flaws, or we can't detect it because it is made of stuff that we can't measure yet.

Enter Mills classical theory of atomic structure that predicts dark matter is just hydrogen with the electron in a lower orbit that doesn't radiate (hence dark). This stuff has been created in the lab and measured every which way, for example in a gas chromatograph where it flows through faster than normal hydrogen. https://brilliantlightpower.com/theory/

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