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You can use money to buy time. You can't convert time to money as easily.

Not if your spending all the time to make the money. Lots of folks can't go on vacation because their job will throw them under the bus when they are away.

I can get money with my time via a job, how exactly do I get time with the money I now have.

You could look at money as condensed time - you've worked for the money and saved it up. At some point if you save enough you can stop working and live off that savings. And then you have time.

Fallacy. With money you can avoid working. You cant buy time. Those are two very different things. You know who benefits from you being confused on that point? Your employer. "work hard and then you'll be able to buy time. Not now of course, now you're working hard. But later you'll buy time trust me bro"

>I can get money with my time via a job

Unless you can't easily find a job. Ever been unemployed?

>how exactly do I get time with the money I now have

By quitting it once you saved enough.

> By quitting it once you saved enough.

What is "enough" and how much guarantee is there that I'll reach that?

It's rather similar to what investing calls the DCF - but with time: time I have today is worth more than time I might have in future. For several reasons:

Time I have today is guaranteed. The future is unknown. But rather known, is that in the future I'll be older, my health and energy lower and therefore my options limited. The quality of "time" is potentially much higher when you are 20 than when you are 83. And then there's the risk that I don't even make it far beyond my 70ies.

1. There's something you need to get done that'll take some chunk of your time.

2. Give someone money to do it for you.

3. You have more time.

Said no one on their deathbed ever...

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