I tried Zed a while ago, not long after they first launched. It was pretty interesting (gpu+rust+tree-sitter+lsp), but not enough to draw me from neovim. After they went open source (and launched extensions!) I looked at it again and actually I'm really impressed with the progress (incl. vim keybindings ftw!).
I'm at the point of using it for some new projects and continuing with neovim for my existing ones -- there's a lot of community input e.g. nvim-surround functionality was just added. I think at this point it does everything that I have in my (somewhat minimal) nvim config (and much of that is tree-sitter/LSP).
The one big feature I'm interested in is dap support so I can finally give up on gdb cli.
I'm at the point of using it for some new projects and continuing with neovim for my existing ones -- there's a lot of community input e.g. nvim-surround functionality was just added. I think at this point it does everything that I have in my (somewhat minimal) nvim config (and much of that is tree-sitter/LSP).
The one big feature I'm interested in is dap support so I can finally give up on gdb cli.