Except that instead of bash, it's based on Python. So instead of everything being a string, you have the Python type system. E.g. 50 factorial:
z@minizack:~$ osh gen 50 1 ^ red '*' $
This red(uce)s using multiplication the stream of integers 1..50.
Find the pids of python processes:
z@minizack:~$ osh ps ^ select 'p: "python" in p.commandline' ^ f 'p: p.pid' $
This pipes process objects from one command to the next. First select the processes whose commandline contains "python", then run a function that maps the process to its pid.
Except that instead of bash, it's based on Python. So instead of everything being a string, you have the Python type system. E.g. 50 factorial:
This red(uce)s using multiplication the stream of integers 1..50.Find the pids of python processes:
This pipes process objects from one command to the next. First select the processes whose commandline contains "python", then run a function that maps the process to its pid.