I'm going to suggest this kind of post is more suitable for Reddit?
He could be 100% guilty, or imagine the possibility he is softhearted and could have bought it off some scammer who tricked him and said they were in desperate need of cash, etc.
I hope she gets her phone back and I understand the anger but this approach doesn't really solve the problem.
Is this some sort of revenue stream? Is there a business model? Does it help ANY startup? We can all capitalize on stupid, but come on, why is this posted and upvoted on HN?
On-Topic: Anything that good hackers would find interesting. That includes more than hacking and startups. If you had to reduce it to a sentence, the answer might be: anything that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity.
I find this sort of post interesting because it demonstrates some of the unintended consequences of new technology. We've seen a handful of interesting methods used to recover stolen devices. We've seen a handful of frightening methods used to attack, harass, or exploit someone. These are interesting trends.
It's kind-of disappointing no one considers how much this would ruin his career. Now that this has been made public, will he be able to find a job anywhere else? If she had just quietly alerted Disney, they would have probably fired the guy and returned her her phone along with some compensation. He would have learnt his lesson and would have gotten a job elsewhere. Now that this has been made public, it'll be hard for him to find a job anywhere else. She basically ruined his life. And no one seems to care about him. Everyone just finds it funny.
> "one transgression is not a reason to ruin his entire career life."
I think you overestimate both the reach and the net effect of this. There are still employers who don't google people before they hire, who will never see this. And there are plenty of people who disclose criminal convictions to potential employers and still manage to get hired.
FOI: I removed that line you quoted to make the flow of the paragraph a bit smoother.
But I guess yes to some extend it's a stretch. I was just feeling bad for how it might affect his future prospects for work. I think a little more mercy for criminals is a good thing.
Norway has a really good criminal justice system that works wonders.
I agree with you from the perspective of one transgression not being a reason to ruin a life but unfortunately, that's the system under which we live even if you are innocent.
Accused of something? The arrest and pending charges show up in all background checks until the charges are dropped or you are acquitted and even then the police have the discretion to decide whether or not to remove them from your record. If you are a professional, this is a death sentence to your career that needs to be handled with incredible care.
TL;DR there is no support for the innocent in the justice system either.