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Because you don't care about security does not mean it is not important. Pretty sure you don't want your bridge/microwave oven/smartphone/you name it to spontaneously catch fire and potentially burn down your house during the night, right? So you may not realize, but security matters to you.

> Why should I not pay $50 to windows so that I can get on with the work that I want to do instead of fiddling with Linux

If you don't want Linux for what Linux is, please buy whatever you want (Windows in that case)!

I would return the comment: I find that too many people want to use Linux because they don't want to pay for Windows. And then they complain that Linux is not Windows. If you want Windows, go for Windows. I actually dislike those distributions that try to make Linux feel like Windows: I went to Linux because it was not Windows, not because it was cheaper (it is not: it requires time).

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