The project from the thread would take me an impossible amount of time without GPT. Even the page itself would take me twice as long to generate - the charts were done by pasting source data to GPT and GPT writing plotlib code for me to chart them, and the equations were originally written by GPT as well, because I wasn't familiar with MathJAX.
Ditto with the code - a bunch of it was written by GPT originally, since this is my first Swift/Metal project. I kept telling it what I want to do in Python, and it kept rewriting it in Swift/Metal until I learned the latter.
The name "effort" was also invented by GPT. Originally, internally, I was using "quant" but that would be confused with quantization. I considered "perc" from percentage - but that's ugly. I described the project to GPT, and it suggested "effort" as a metric.
As for self-checkout - in Poland we have Żabka Nano which is still going on, and seems more solid than Amazon, but of course the time will tell :)
The project from the thread would take me an impossible amount of time without GPT. Even the page itself would take me twice as long to generate - the charts were done by pasting source data to GPT and GPT writing plotlib code for me to chart them, and the equations were originally written by GPT as well, because I wasn't familiar with MathJAX.
Ditto with the code - a bunch of it was written by GPT originally, since this is my first Swift/Metal project. I kept telling it what I want to do in Python, and it kept rewriting it in Swift/Metal until I learned the latter.
The name "effort" was also invented by GPT. Originally, internally, I was using "quant" but that would be confused with quantization. I considered "perc" from percentage - but that's ugly. I described the project to GPT, and it suggested "effort" as a metric.
As for self-checkout - in Poland we have Żabka Nano which is still going on, and seems more solid than Amazon, but of course the time will tell :)