A forum for my car just went dark. Gone are not quite 20 years of posts and discussions that I've searched many times over while troubleshooting mine or in preparation for some job that needed to be done.
I made this discovery after going to post a novel solution for getting into the hood with a seized hood release in hopes that it might spare someone else some trouble in the future.
All things are not in the moment. Sometimes it's good to learn from the past.
It makes me wish for forums where posts and comments are automatically synced and cached locally. Then everyone has a copy in case it closes down, and someone could use the content to bootstrap a replacement.
Note, that isn't the same as an ambitious fully federated mesh network or anything, but being limited in certain ways makes it efficient and easier in others.
I made this discovery after going to post a novel solution for getting into the hood with a seized hood release in hopes that it might spare someone else some trouble in the future.
All things are not in the moment. Sometimes it's good to learn from the past.