Funny how most git users out there (at least according to the git user's survery 2011 [1]) use Linux, yet github seems to go out of its way not to build a tool for its majority of users. I would also go as far as to extrapolate and state that most github users are Linux users (which is true for every programmer I know on github).
Would it have been that hard to just use Qt and build a cross platform tool? Or is that not hipster-friendly enough?
I guess it's cool to profit, not that cool to give back. I wouldn't use their tool anyway but I think they're assholes on this one.
Instead of building for the existing community, they are trying to expand the toolset to "seduce" other communities. Both are perfectly worthy goals. Just different.
The tool for Linux users already exists: it's git itself. Demand for a desktop GUI in the Linux world is almost zero for basically everything, but especially so for a tool like git with no external dependency.
Would it have been that hard to just use Qt and build a cross platform tool? Or is that not hipster-friendly enough?
I guess it's cool to profit, not that cool to give back. I wouldn't use their tool anyway but I think they're assholes on this one.