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As far as I am aware, I don’t hold values or principles that are abhorrent to foundational ethical guidelines. If I ever do, I don’t expect any sympathy from others as I reevaluate my views in light of new information and grow as a person.

This person specifically fought against equal rights. The way most people look at what he did (and the way certainly anyone but the most virulent bigots in the future will) is the same way we today look at the people who threw rocks at MLK during the civil rights movement.

This is just a long way of stating your confidence that your values will always be in lock-step with whatever the most powerful zetigeist in your society is at any one time. Which is its own problem that you should reflect on.

Eich hasn't thrown rocks at anyone and it's disengenuous to frame it otherwise, especually considering you could have made a perfectly good argument without that.

Edit: The question isn't whether you think he did something wrong, it's whether you think that people who have contributed massively to causes or organisations should be driven out for reasons that have nothing to do with those causes or organisations.

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