The problem with paying extortion or ransoms is that you incentivize the attacker to come back and do it again. It may have been $5k to pay off one attacker and more than that to build the defense, but now you have defenses and are less likely to suffer attackers in the future. And as you say, not paying money to criminals is inherently worthwhile.
From the german chaos computer clubs yearly meeting.
Linus talks about what to do and who ransoms work, how "well" the service is and briefly pros and cons of paying.
On the other hand the attacker may actually have incentive to follow through and hold up their end so as to build a reputation. Making their next victims more likely to just pay.
Somewhere I read that some ransomware had excellent "customer" service for helping you transfer over the payment and promptly restore your files.
This stat includes everyone, some of them may not research what hit them. One of my clients decrypted his database twice, after seeing on the internet that they actually send a decryption key.