The big problem here is the breakdown in trust. If the government uses a figure for inflation that differs dramatically from what common Americans experience, the people conclude that the government is working against them instead of for them.
Many, perhaps most Americans have lost or are losing trust. The problem with this is where do people turn? Biden represents the government as manipulator. Where is the alternative? The truth is that in a choice between Biden and Trump many people have turned to Trump.
It is interesting in a sick way because the human reaction to betrayal is extremely strong. I find in myself a remarkable distaste for Biden. I find myself comparing Biden to President Snow. Not rational, but betrayal will do that to you.
And most concerning is that the problem is not really Biden or Trump. It is about corporations that have taken over our democracy. The most insightful question is: Cui Bono. Who benefits from the laws that are enacted? Corporations. Who uses the courts? Corporations because average citizens cannot afford a lawyer. [If you doubt this, ask yourself how much Microsoft owes in taxes to the American people]. And the Supreme Court? These are the people who decided that Corporations can buy and sell politicians and elections.
The disparity between the profits of Corporations and the daily lives of common American citizens is breathtaking. Who benefits from convincing Americans there is no inflation problem?
What specifically would you have preferred Biden do differently? The rest of the world also dealt with massive inflation, and most other economies have not. There is no magic formula that would've made our economy recover with insanely good labor statistics without causing some inflation. After the 2008 recession, it took 6 years (!!!) for U-1 unemployment to get under 3%, while it took just over a year for that to happen after 2020! The extra inflation is absolutely worth this tradeoff, but the absolutely insane response to it has basically guaranteed that next time a major event happens, we will be stuck with years of elevated unemployment.
"The governments number is different than what I experience" is not why people are mad. They just see prices go up and get mad immediately, even though statistically, wages have also risen a good amount, especially at the low end! The difference is that people think they worked hard for the raise and deserve it for their own work, and dont see it as a byproduct of the economy changing.
Many, perhaps most Americans have lost or are losing trust. The problem with this is where do people turn? Biden represents the government as manipulator. Where is the alternative? The truth is that in a choice between Biden and Trump many people have turned to Trump.
It is interesting in a sick way because the human reaction to betrayal is extremely strong. I find in myself a remarkable distaste for Biden. I find myself comparing Biden to President Snow. Not rational, but betrayal will do that to you.
And most concerning is that the problem is not really Biden or Trump. It is about corporations that have taken over our democracy. The most insightful question is: Cui Bono. Who benefits from the laws that are enacted? Corporations. Who uses the courts? Corporations because average citizens cannot afford a lawyer. [If you doubt this, ask yourself how much Microsoft owes in taxes to the American people]. And the Supreme Court? These are the people who decided that Corporations can buy and sell politicians and elections.
The disparity between the profits of Corporations and the daily lives of common American citizens is breathtaking. Who benefits from convincing Americans there is no inflation problem?