Can someone explain to me why it isn't always the operator of the vehicle who is liable for death/destruction caused by their operation? Unless the brake lines were severed intentionally or the vehicle was provably neglected, then it would seem to me that the ultimate responsibility is on the driver who causes the accident- not the owner of the car or the company that facilitated the rental.
Well, he's dead. In some sort of spiritual way, he is liable. What's going on here isn't about the guilt or real liability, it's about trying to turn pain and suffering into money. The simple rules for that are if you're going to try to sue someone, sue someone that has money and sue someone that you can get the money from.
RelayRides, I would think, would be a better target, you might get more money faster but the reality here, unfortunate or not (depending on who's side you take,) is RelayRides is going to be sued and Ms. Fong is probably going to be sued too. Tell me why RelayRide's funders aren't the ones holding the bag here, figure that one out, you nearly never hear about that.
Sometimes it sucks. Sometimes people don't seem to mind. OJ Simpson was acquitted of murder (re: as in found not guilty by a jury) and yet he was sued for moneys due to the death of his ex-wife and her friend, everyone sort of felt okay with that. Ms. Fong, strictly speaking, didn't crash the car, but she stood to profit from the cars use and it was her car and she has insurance, she's going to likely get sued. It's a real bummer those folks got hurt, sounds pretty rough to me, I hope someone makes them whole or as whole as they can be. It's the system we've got.