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As much as I would love to see this kind of tech added, our current “greed is good” economic climate that is eviscerating the 99% will mean that this change will disenfranchise most who would have gotten such a saw. Sawstop isn’t going to open up their patents like Volvo did out of the goodness of their heart. Those patents will be monetized to the hilt, to extract maximum possible revenue from the consumer.

The only reason why I even have a table saw is because of a convergence of events: renos on the apartment to make it more saleable, better job with more income, Bosch putting out a new model such that the old model had steep clearance pricing, and so forth.

Had that table saw cost even $100 more, I would have been doing the work with wildly inappropriate tools that likely would have made the work even more dangerous. Or used an old, pre-owned, beat-up tool that could have malfunctioned in dangerous ways, or have had safety features removed by the prior owner.

Yes, let’s implement that law. But let’s also force SawStop to pull a Volvo, especially if they aren’t working in good faith. They have already been compensated by that product many times over, it’s just a cash cow at this point. And the public interest must always come before profit. Not remuneration and RoI -- profit.

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