It would be interesting to see a database built from the ground up for being trivial to maintain.
I use managed databases, but is there really that much to do for maintaining a database? The host requires some level of maintenance - changing disks, updating the host operating system, failover during downtime for machine repair, etc. if you use a database built for failover I imagine much of this doesn’t actually affect the operations that much assuming you slightly over provision.
For a database alone I think the work needed to maintain is greatly exaggerated. That being said I still think it’s more than using a managed database, which is why my company still does so.
In this case though, an append log seems pretty simple imo. Better to self host.
I use managed databases, but is there really that much to do for maintaining a database? The host requires some level of maintenance - changing disks, updating the host operating system, failover during downtime for machine repair, etc. if you use a database built for failover I imagine much of this doesn’t actually affect the operations that much assuming you slightly over provision.
For a database alone I think the work needed to maintain is greatly exaggerated. That being said I still think it’s more than using a managed database, which is why my company still does so.
In this case though, an append log seems pretty simple imo. Better to self host.