And where will this person sleep? What will they eat? How will they speak all the local languages from Portuguese to Turkish? What if their bike gets stolen?
The people who spend their youth partying and not worrying about the future or are
> more risk-taking
(per the op)
are the people who will not bother asking themselves these questions or will simply shrug and say "i dunno we'll get through it" and just do it
It's a mindset of just doing things without worrying about them or their consequences. Of course there's ups and downs. Like the poster above said
> the same social limitations that prevented you from partying as a younger person, probably also prevent you from enjoying your nice stable life to the fullest
It's a mindset of how to live life. You don't care about these questions, which you pay for later, but that's future you's problem
One thing that eased a lot of my anxiety while transitioning to an independent adult was the knowledge that I could survive even without a home or job. My parents did a real good job teaching me how to live on my own and how to focus on the basics. Camping was a real good introduction to this.
As long as I have a $20 tent, an okay sleeping bag, and the clothes on my back I'll be okay. The real shame of our society is that so many people have been forced to live that way because of the greedy few.
They will sleep in a tent in whatever field or forest they find near sunset. They can stop at a campground or hostel every few days to shower and meet other travelers.
They will eat food bought from grocery stores and cooked on their camp stove or at the hostel.
They will speak English to most of the people they meet. Or use their phone to translate where required.
They will buy a used bike and continue on if it gets stolen.
Yeah I'll give it a little longer to come to a stopping point but next time I change jobs I'm taking a sabbatical on my own. I'm going somewhere. I'm meeting people. It'll be fine.
It was really tough last year because I had never quit before, I'd been at a job I didn't like for years and years. Now that I've quit once, I'll probably feel okay being unemployed for a bit next time.