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Sorry, I wasn't trying to be insulting. I just noticed that you've had other run ins submitting digg like stuff. But the other readers have spoken, you win; I lose.

I'm not looking to 'win'. It doesn't give me any satisfaction. Just trying to understand your antagonism towards me, a stranger who just happens to ALSO be a digg user (something you seem to consider as an inherently inferior sub-species of internet people).

Hacker News is not Digg and therein lies its appeal. I love the intelligent comments here and the stories are terrific. So don't think for a second that I'm trying to 'ruin' the community by submitting digg-like content (whatever that is).

In any case, its a SOCIAL news site. Let the community sort it out with editorial votes. Wisdom of the crowds, yes?

There's no way I'm going to make everyone happy with my submissions. It's impossible. As long as its really interesting to me, doesn't violate TOS, isn't spam and falls within the general topical focus/interest of Hacker News readers, I'm going to make use of my right to contribute to the community.

I wish something like this won't happen again. If you want to continue this off-topic discussion and thoroughly exhaust your frustration, feel free to rant at me in private. My email is in my profile. Cheers.

Wait, who's ranting?

Anyways...no frustration on my part (what about you?). I was just too trigger happy from the recent spam HN has been getting. That's all. Apologies man.

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