idk, but Twitter under early Musk leadership sounded like anything but a bureaucratic swamp and he still absolutely and predictably failed. However, Twitter was a pretty different problem domain to what he was initially known for
There's a difference between fixing technical problems and cultural problems. Hotz has proven to be a wizard at technical ones, while his skill with fixing cultural issues remains to be seen.
Any long-lasting solution requiring continuous investments is going to require more impact on the people side than the technical side. Hiring maybe one or two technical wizard asshats at a company may work for a bit but can’t scale in that eventually asshats will either drive away enough potential contributors or clash with another asshat. Any company actually needing said asshats to conduct business has a form of organizational tech debt in that they’ll need to spend a lot of resources managing around said persons in the end while said person’s ego continues to grow convinced they’re primarily responsible for successes.