Another question: why does the feed reload when I go 'back' to it? This happens on the website and the app whenever I click into a link and then go back to the feed. It just spontaneously reloads! If I wanted to comment on the link or even just like the post, I can't (unless I remember who posted it, go to their profile, and go to their recent activity, which I almost never have the patience to do).
I uninstalled the app recently because I find it maddening that I can't get notifications about comments on my own posts unless I also accept notifications for 'person X and person Y like such-and-such random post'.
I find it maddening and unjustifiable that these two types of behaviors would be categorized under the same notification toggle. Then I remember LI is now owned by MS, and it makes more sense.
Because, as it happens with a lot of apps, the developer teams, product managers or whoever with decision powers are not users of their own applications.
I uninstalled the app recently because I find it maddening that I can't get notifications about comments on my own posts unless I also accept notifications for 'person X and person Y like such-and-such random post'.
I find it maddening and unjustifiable that these two types of behaviors would be categorized under the same notification toggle. Then I remember LI is now owned by MS, and it makes more sense.