One of the stranger behaviours for me is that R allows you to combine infix operators with assignments, even thou there are no implemented instances of it in R itself. For example:
`%in%<-` <- function(x, y, value) { x[x %in% y] <- value; x}
x <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
x %in% c("a", "c") <- "o"
[1] "o" "b" "o" "d"
Or slightly crazier:
`<-<-` <- function(x, y, value) paste0(y, "_", value)
"a" -> x <- "b"
[1] "a_b"
We with Antoine Fabri created a package that uses this behaviour for some clever replacement operators [1], but beyond that I don't see where this could be useful in real practice.