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> you have to cut-paste a task into a different todo list

I wrote a template for my Daily Note which includes a Tasks section. Underneath the list of tasks for the day, I use a Dataview to create a collapsable "Backlog" section, which selects all uncompleted tasks from my Daily Notes folder with a created time before the current file. It ends up looking something like:

  ### Tasks
  - [ ] Task 1
  - [ ] Task 2
  >[!todo]- Backlog
  > #### 2024-03-18 (1)
  > - [ ] Uncompleted task from 2024-03-18 Daily Note
  > #### 2024-03-17 (2)
  > - [ ] First uncompleted task from 2024-03-17 Daily Note
  > - [ ] Second uncompleted task from 2024-03-17 Daily Note
The cool part about this, aside from being able to show/hide the Backlog, is you can mark a task as done from the Backlog section, and it will update the original Daily Note file, and remove it from the Backlog section.

Here's the Dataview query I'm using:

  >[!todo]- Backlog
  > ```dataview
  > TASK WHERE startswith(file.folder, "Daily Notes/") AND !completed AND file.ctime < this.file.ctime AND file.link != this.file.link GROUP BY file.link
  > ```

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