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Facebook's actions or interests in no way eliminate or excuse the risks posed by TikTok's ownership.

To refrain from action on the TikTok problem to avoid benefiting Facebook is a clear priority inversion.

It's also odd that you were appealing to corporate-pseudo-governments to justify inaction upthread, but now are trying to invoke negative feelings towards of one to justify inaction.

>It's also odd that you were appealing to corporate-pseudo-governments to justify inaction upthread

Not really, it's just "how it is" right now, personally I would prefer open web apps and distributed social networks, but those are niche, with most people using the big apps and social networks.

In a more "open web" world, I could publish and viewers could view anywhere on the planet. China was one of the first to "firewall" their citizens from the open web (likely due to their internal political arguments about national security etc) and unfortunately now I see a bipartisan trend in the USA following the same path, to the competitive benefit of few (at Meta for example, in this case), and given the text of the rule the next targets will be banning of websites based on nebulous/political security arguments for similar competitive advantage of entrenched players.

Anyway, @tivert thanks for the conversation and sharing your take as well!

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