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What makes it different?

* It is schema aware right from the get-go, as when we had to use the original pgdatadiff we ended up having different schemas that we needed to perform checks on.

* It runs DB operations in a parallel fashion, making it at least 3x faster in comparison to the original pgdatadiff which performs the checks sequentially.

* It is written in Rust, which means that it is memory safe and has a very low overhead.

* It provides both a library and a client, which means that you can use it as a standalone tool and in your own projects.

Nice work! I like that it's both a library and a server right from the start. Will it be able to generate INSERT/UPDATE statements to apply the differences?

Actually it doesn't dive right into the actual changed lines (even though it can be supported if the `--chunk-size` is set to 1), because it performs an MD5 comparison on the hashed rows.

This would be a great idea, but I am afraid it might be out of the scope of the tool, since we just wanted to keep it on the comparison level only.

We will note your feedback though and see if we can generate such commands in the future :)

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