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Wow this is about how much the average radiologist makes after 10 years of postgraduate studies

Brb going to radiology school, given how finished tech is

AI is coming for radiology

Big time. Hospitals are going to greedily roll out AI.

Why do you believe radiologists somehow are more deserving than high level engineers?

Ha! I have a son who is a radiologist and what docs have to go through makes the worst sprint of your life look like a walk in the park. And they train that hard for years.

Patients can die if he messes up. The worst thing when I mess up is the product is a few days late.

I have been coding for 25 years, make half of what he does and he deserves every penny of the difference.

I used to make airbags. People could die if I mess up. Heck, literally hundreds of thousands of people. (see Takata)

One time, I saw someone cook raw chicken at a restaurant. A $10 an hour worker can cause people to die if they mess up.

Don't let the Physician cartel make you think they have some magical powers because they have the AMA and ACGME working to limit the supply of Physicians.

The fact that you are treated by 1 Physician instead of a team of Physician is something Physicians greedily imposed on us.

> One time, I saw someone cook raw chicken at a restaurant.

Isn't cooking just what you're supposed to do with raw chicken?

Not to be pedantic, but there is actually raw chicken sashimi apparently. I heard about a place in Tokyo that serves it. The restaurant sources from super small local farms and sear the raw chicken in boiling water for a few seconds, chop chop, and then down it goes.

I think the point was that failing to properly cook raw chicken could be dangerous to the customers.

> The worst thing when I mess up is the product is a few days late.

I wrote code for the emergency broadcast system, as well as telecom code. Plenty of people could die if that code messed up.

Being a doctor has grueling training, but I think it's a very different skillset from a senior engineer at FAANG. The type of problem solving that is required for the latter is not really comparable. Remember, there's not even a cartel to keep comp artificially high. It's just that expensive if a senior (or higher) engineer fucks up at FAANG that spending an extra 100k to get the top 2% of talent vs the top 5% of talent is worth it to them.

i used to write radiology software. i was just as capable of killing someone on a bad day!

Radiologists work as part of a system that saves lives, high level "engineers" work in companies that push ads and collect + sell data on their users

lol no I wish I had stuck with my engineering degree and not gone into medicine

Is it too late to switch back?

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