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In this whole thread, it feels like you are trying hard looking for the drawbacks while actively rejecting the benefits.

What you are doing is called confirmation bias.

I would suggest you to open yourself to perspectives foreign to you. That's the whole point of HN for me, aside from learning new things.

And no, it's not yet a reason to avoid lab meat. Let's actually find out if lab meat is actually less safe in practice? Because contamination of meat as we are producing it today is a thing and still relatively common and this we know it for a fact.

Well, I am happy HN works the way it is for you, but I hope we have your kind permission like everyone else to seek truth the way we do it, don't we? I beg your pardon if this comes across as rude, it has no intentions to be so

Whether to avoid or not and under which arguments it's individual decision. Some people believe in reducing pollution with lab meat or climate change. Let the have it, it's ultimately whatever individual thinks is good.

> Let's actually find out if lab meat is actually less safe in practice?

I am all in, but how this can be practically assessed?

Take my remark as you wish. If you find it helpful, it's nice, if not, discard it. Also happy to hear you disagree. You do you.

I have no permission to give because I don't have this power, nor I would want to have it.

Indeed. It is rough when those we thought were arguing in good faith were actually not doing so, ie their antivaxxer or generally anti-science comments. In this case, there is nothing we can really do to stem such advances towards us. And yes, I do not agree that "both sides" are equal in merit.

Their comment is dead now [0] (which you can see if you enable showdead in your HN settings), but they are an antivaxxer, in my experience with these kinds of people, it's not really worth discussing anything of scientific importance with them.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39687674#39688646

It’s disastrous that people with cultist attitudes and superiority complex use “science” in their sentences, while they can’t be further away.

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