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Well, how would you define "high quality"? High quality meant comes from well cared grass-fed livestock. It is delicious and have long proven health benefits. It's effects on human body have been known pretty much as we gain ability to learn.

Lab grown stuff? Not so much.

If the cellular structure is the same, the benefits would be identical. Just because something is traditionally made a certain way doesn't mean it couldn't be made better, as we understand the scientific processes that made them. Flight, for example, comes to mind, where birds traditionally fly but we, having understood aerodynamics at a deeper level, can make planes that fly faster, farther, and longer than birds ever could.

I see your point, but all those comparisons are quite a stretch. One can care less about naturals diamonds vs lab ones, but for something you consume and something that eventually gonna become building blocks for your body one may exercise different approach.

Well, protein powder exists. We already know the building blocks of muscles (and therefore meat), all the various protein compounds. They can come from non animal and non meat sources too such as peas and whey, so I don't see how one can eat vegetables with protein and drink protein shakes yet still be hesitant about lab grown meat. Perhaps you are simply hesitant because it is a new technology?


Ok, based on your last sentence I know you are not worth talking to about this, goodbye.

> how would you define "high quality"?

You could grow solely A6 wagyu ribeyes. We’re not there yet. But the combination of precise control for quality and zero additional waste is there.

> It is delicious and have long proven health benefits

It’s better than corn-fed beef. But it’s no panacea. We could engineer beef that contains, for example, less saturated fat, or a higher fraction of healthy fatty acids.

Indeed, I'd love to see the day where we could natively grow interposing constructs of beef muscle and fat to produce a wagyu the likes of which is hitherto unknown on the planet, simply because, just as no natural diamond can produce just the right compounds in just the right order, just the right cows cannot produce just the right order of fats to meat ratio.

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