Innovations in transistor design help to shrink it on one dimension (e.g. the semiconductor size gap). This translates to a silicon wafer in two dimensions.
Therefore, for every factor (n) decrease we get in transistor length, we can fit (n^2) more transistors on a chip. Therefore we don't need (as) exponential amounts of innovation to get exponential outcomes.
Maybe I'm being crazy, Babbage you can correct me if this is way off :)
Innovations in transistor design help to shrink it on one dimension (e.g. the semiconductor size gap). This translates to a silicon wafer in two dimensions.
Therefore, for every factor (n) decrease we get in transistor length, we can fit (n^2) more transistors on a chip. Therefore we don't need (as) exponential amounts of innovation to get exponential outcomes.
Maybe I'm being crazy, Babbage you can correct me if this is way off :)