BTW, if the page author happens to be reading this. (loved the article BTW)
Your header image Screenshot_15.png is 2½ megs in size which is pretty brutal on slower connections or for those with data costs. Plus it causes it to load a lot less snappily even on a decent connection.
It is served in a fixed width 827px container yet is 1902px in size. Given the content (a simulated planet with fuzzy content) extra detail for HD isn't super useful and png will not compress well. Allowing for a little extra width for later retheming and then recompressing as jpeg...
Your header image Screenshot_15.png is 2½ megs in size which is pretty brutal on slower connections or for those with data costs. Plus it causes it to load a lot less snappily even on a decent connection. It is served in a fixed width 827px container yet is 1902px in size. Given the content (a simulated planet with fuzzy content) extra detail for HD isn't super useful and png will not compress well. Allowing for a little extra width for later retheming and then recompressing as jpeg...
2.6% the size of the original.