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How exactly do you think Ukraine would look under Russian occupation? If someone were to break in and occupy your home would you be accepting of the invasion to avoid conflict?

>Was it worth it

What extremely stupid question is that? They didn't choose to get invaded. You think we shouldn't have helped? Pity we're not helping enough.

Why is it a stupid question? Their country is destroyed. The demographics are abysmal. All the youth destroyed.

The USA and Ukraine should've negotiated a deal years and years ago that Ukraine would be a neutral state and NOT join NATO.

Ukraine will never join NATO. USA knows that that will trigger Nuclear War.

If Russia uses nukes the president will order a non nuclear strike that kills Putin.

Something's missing in your comment, like which country is attacking Ukraine for example. That might sounds like a small detail but it has its importance on how the war can end.

It has importance on who to throw opprobrium at for the war, too.

The majority of Ukrainians wanted to defend themselves against the invasion so I assume they would answer yes. Yet you act as if they were somehow forced to defend themselves by outsiders. It's bizarre. You should critically review your information diet, you sound unhinged.

If you have a problem with the war, you can take it up with the terrorist state of russia.

What? It's Putin & Russia that's destroying Ukraine. Sweden is joining Nato to deter Putin. And now Sweden will send JAS 39 Gripen to Ukraine. A fighter aircraft designed to bonk Russians.

Look how many million Russians died during World War 2. Why didn't they surrender to Nazi Germany? You should go lecture Russia with your wisdom.

Are you trying to say that Ukraine would've preferred to be completely taken over by Russia?

On the one hand, Ukrainians are being killed (although GP is incorrect -- Ukraine has specifically been drafting older, non-youth people) and their industry is being bombed.

On the other hand, they're still a sovereign, free state.

Opinions may vary on which of those is more important.

As historical context, I would point out that the last time ethnic Russians controlled Ukraine, they killed 3M+ of them via starvation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor

>Opinions may vary on which of those is more important.

Survey data from last October suggests that 60% of Ukranians want to keep fighting until Ukraine wins and 31% are in favour of negotiating an end to the war ASAP.


This is god tier victim blaming.

Its called Great Power Politics realism.

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