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> riscv64-linux-gnu-objdump (though it produces incorrect output for instructions like addi and slli

The assembler accepts either syntax:

    user@starfive:~$ echo add a0,a0,13 \; addi a1,a1,420 | as
    user@starfive:~$ objdump -d a.out
    a.out:     file format elf64-littleriscv
    Disassembly of section .text:
    0000000000000000 <.text>:
       0:   00d50513                add     a0,a0,13
       4:   1a458593                add     a1,a1,420
Also, objdump will print them as `addi` if you give the `-Mno-aliases` option.

yeah, i know it accepts it, but that doesn't make it right ;)

thanks for the tip about no-aliases! i had no idea. i don't suppose there's an option to allow me to write arm-ual-style `add a1, a0` instead of `c.add a1, a0` or `add a1, a1, a0`, is there? because in the first case i can't assemble it without rvc, and the second case is annoying

i guess i should write my own assembler instead of whining

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