Not every web app needs to survive HN levels of traffic. Empowering the <insert profession here> that already knows Python to make an app to automate their team’s toil is a great thing.
Exactly. If your team is fully fluent in Python and has a need for a web UI, easier to adopt something like FastUI than try to quickly upskill in JavaScript for a one-off project.
Perhaps, but it is a false economy. Anyone writing a UI for the web, should be fluent in HTML/CSS and so on. In that case, other templating approaches make more sense.
I say this with absolute conviction; you're just deferring costs, technical debts with compounding interest. When you come to pay it off, it'll bankrupt you.
I'm not the least bit ashamed to say that I can't grok CSS today any better than I could when I first tried to learn it about 20 years ago. Whether or not alternative abstractions are "bad" or "wrong" or whatever is entirely irrelevant to me. The worst case scenario is that I end up finding them as painful as CSS.
Not every web app needs to survive HN levels of traffic. Empowering the <insert profession here> that already knows Python to make an app to automate their team’s toil is a great thing.