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[flagged] I am building Anki for spaced repetition but Better (RepIt) (framer.ai)
8 points by 0xDeveloper 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments

I have to say after reading this site and "testimonials like this coming soon!" I am no longer scared that AI will fill the internet will junk. Humans will always be better at generating junk. I'm sorry, but this is not a compelling site at all to me, it feels like "sprinkle ai on whatever" bukkake.

Sorry if it looked bad, I added those testimonials to show how the web app can be used

Yes, you added fake testimonials. I don't understand how this isn't manipulative if I'm not paying attention. It was a real turn off.

Okay, I will remove them!

If testimonials are coming soon, I would advise removing the fake ones and adding the real ones that you say are right around the corner.

Okay, Sure! I will remove that segment!

I feel like this post should be deleted for obvious self-advertisement. Anki is the golden standard for spaced repetition learning with a rich plugin ecosystem, and allows everyone to retain even more information with the recent introduction of the FSRS algorithm. RepIt is... I don't know? RepIt says it's better, source: Trust me bro. Better how? Who knows.

I understand you don't trust me, so I will build it publicly on Twitter. I have included some bullet points to show how it's better than Anki on the website. Also, it will be online web app and will be in sync for all of your devices. It will also have email reminders.

After the product has been bought, you will get access to a special email ID and discord server. Anyone can talk to me there if they have any problems related to it!

What makes your product different that I should pay for it when anki is free?

The differences are: - It will be a fully synced web app - It will help users select how much they were able to learn. (1, 2 or 3 stars/ratings) - If they learn it nicely, the algorithm will remind them to learn it later, or else it will remind them sooner!

And in the yearly plan, users only pay less than $1 per month!

better how? I could never use this without being able to import my apkg.

Can you DM me on twitter? (https://twitter.com/Adnan_Jindani)

I am planning to add apkg imports for RepIt so if you could send a sample apkg to me, that would be awesome. All anki users will be able to use RepIt easily and will also take advantage of a better UI!

It won't have decks. You will be able to upload your notes and texts on it. You will learn whenever it tells you to. Then rate how you learned it.

It's better because it has feedback-based learning. Based on your feedback, it will tell you when to revise it for better learning. Based on the Spaced repetition technique!

"It won't have decks" sounds worse than Anki, not better.

Your description of "feedback-based learning" doesn't sound different from Anki.

It's better because it will have email reminders. And also a fully synced cloud web app with a better UI.

Welcome to Hacker News!

But no.

Okay, No problem!

Btw, RepIt means Repeat It

I thought the app is made using Replit.

Hahah! No, it's just the name to make it sound like spaced repitition.

I am validating this and building in public! Would anyone pay for this service?

And here is the source code for Anki: https://github.com/ankitects/anki

If you want to convince people to use your spaced repetition software over Anki, you need to tell us what's so wrong with Anki that can't be fixed with plugins and that's worth $10 per year.

You must demonstrate value above what Anki does.

I look at your list of projects in https://0xdev.gumroad.com/ and they're all pre-order of things that already exist elsewhere. To me, this smacks of "give me money, and I'll give you promises." Especially the project https://0xdev.gumroad.com/l/HelpFundMe?layout=profile

You want something for free? I'll give you something for free.

Anki absolutely can be improved. For new users, it's very confusing: having multiple decks, the separation between cards and notes, and the search interface are hard for new users.

Combine something that is simpler for new users with a demonstrably better algorithm and you might have a minimally viable product. But you need the product FIRST before you request money.

Give us something that we can run for one week and know that it's better than the free software that is Anki.

Thank you for the advice! I have pre-orders for ideas to be validated. I start building it in public on Twitter after even one pre-order. Because wasting time over something people wouldn't pay for doesn't make sense to me. If you don't like the thing, you can always get back to me on discord server I add you to after the purchase.

I basically want to make anki the beginner friendly way.

I need to visually see what your app does and how it is better than Anki before I can decide it is worth spending money on. And Anki is free, so spending money has to be justified.

I know you will need to see it, but I have kept the pre-orders to see if everyone wants it. I am a student, if I don't get any value from making stuff and people won't buy it there's no value for my time given. For people who don't get to watch it, I have kept the price less than $1 per month (according to yearly plan).

If you want anything changed, just get back to me! Thanks for the reply!

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