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Reading this reporting (Christo Grozev == quality always) reminds me of the experience reading of The Sword and the Shield by Christopher, MI5 historian (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitrokhin_Archive) and just shaking my head at the complex web of money, ideas, and corruption spun and counterspun by various spy agencies. The Archive blew up stuff dating back to tsarist Russia, and exposed some brilliant operation, and tons more pedestrian money-grabbing. These days with OSINT the exposure of it no longer relies on someone sneaking out paper in huge milk jugs and suitcases like Mitrokhin did.

And as a russian who came to states as a refugee it also boils my blood to see how much my former homeland is stirring the pots and slinging sh*t around the world and how many people can be bought. It is all going to end in a huge explosion 1917 style and a disaster for so many.

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