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Not at all unique to Japan either, I was confused by the Japan-centric focus of the discussion. I've worked for two different US corporations that observed a company-specific holiday, either founding day or IPO day.

It feels to me like the article sets up the confusion it must resolve by starting from national holidays... I don't think any of my employers have had a holiday schedule that matched another. There's a lot of variation on what holidays companies do and do not recognize, often with compromises around giving longer runs off around Christmas. If you really need to know when another company is doing business I wouldn't have ever thought there was a solution other than "collect a list of holidays each of your business partners observes."

Hell, a lot of US states don't match the federal holidays.

If anything the banking industry is unusually consistent for practical reasons. But even then, I worked for a major US bank and discovered that our holidays didn't quite match another major US bank we did business with!

The Japan focus is likely because patio11 lived in Japan for several decades, was a salaryman for many years, and is exceedingly familiar with their business and banking practices.

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