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With all do respect the numbers do not back this up. There were less than 200 of these types of deaths in 2021 according NHTSA and thats with a massive increase in cards from the 80s. Almost all danger for children has reduced since that time across all economics groups.

The pressure from parents on other parents has made it so we dont trust children to handle risks that are pretty manageable.

Kids don't walk and bike like they used to. I used to walk alone to visit neighbors on other blocks when I was 5yo in the 80s. Before owning a computer I'd walk or bike to play outside every day it wasn't snowing. And sometimes even then.

I've seen children on the sidewalk, and so it should be possible to get a corrected "deaths-per-sidewalk-mile" if someone wants to do the work.

I suspect that overall deaths are down, even if simply because overall total percentage of travel that is on freeway (controlled-access) is up.

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