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It's currently available as a subdomain of my personal site, since I have not yet finalized the domain for this project. However, each user's page will be at a path of the primary domain (e.g. example.com/moshe). `/ideas` is not supported at a sub-path (e.g. example.com/moshe/ideas).

I will be supporting custom domains, so I could support `/ideas` only for those sites.

Other options include redirecting/rewriting your personal `/ideas` path to this product. Or, offering subdomains (e.g. moshe.example.com/ideas)

Mhh, I would love aboutideasnow.com to be interoperable with your project. Seems like you have more things planned!

The redirect option seems good, or supporting subpaths. If there's something I can do to help please write me an email [0] or open a GitHub issue! [1]

We just want more people to write about their ideas, and find others with similar ideas. It doesn't matter to me where that happens :)

[0] See https://lindylearn.io

[1] https://github.com/lindylearn/aboutideasnow/issues

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