> That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp, but the fourth one... stayed up! And that's what you're gonna get, lad: the strongest castle in these islands.
To think about it… What is the a plan for those tall buildings in a sense of demolishing? I mean they aren’t built for the lifetime of the humanity. There is probably an expectation that in certain amount of years like 500 or more/less - those buildings need to be demolished, right? Or do we just build them without thinking of the future of those buildings? Assuming they will stand forever and it is going to be a problem of future generations?
Tall buildings are often demolished floor by floor from the top down. It’s a slow and expensive process. I don’t think anyone has ever demolished a building anywhere close to as tall as this one in a city centre.
Luckily for developers of buildings like this, the cost of demolition will fall on either the city or the next developer who wants to make something better on the site. It would probably _only_ cost somewhere on the order of high tens to low hundreds of millions to demolish a building like this.