I love urban planning and think the way we interact with the built environment is hugely impactful to individuals. But I also think that most people have been trained to take the built environment as a given rather than something that they have partial ownership of. By building a place to discuss their community on a hyper-local scale, I’m hoping to encourage residents to feel like they are an important piece of their city.
I thought building a sort of spatial forum, where city residents can discuss the little annoyances in their neighborhoods, might help people a) start thinking about which parts of the built environment bug them and b) realize that other people in their neighborhood probably have the same complaint. Of course, I know that local politics can turn nasty quickly, hence the name of the site: I’m hoping to keep discussion focused on potential fixes for each problem.
If you’re excited about this but your city isn’t on the list, I’m happy to add it as long as you promise to make at least one post. It’s extra helpful if you go to geojson.io and create GeoJson for a closed polygon that marks where you think the bounds for your city should be (doesn’t need to correlate with official city boundaries), but I’m happy to guess and do that part myself. Let me know here or by email if you want your city added!
Politicians don't fight for you, they fight for the betterment of their political careers and their own position. If they were in the job to actually quickly address and fix these sorts of local grievances, there wouldn't be so many of them left to address in the first place.