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> The unreliability of the California grid is almost entirely due to transmission, not generation.

I think describing night time as a problem of transmission is technically correct, but probably not the issue here.

Since when does the wind stop blowing at night? You can play dishonest games and win dishonest responses.

Not arguing the earlier points or saying this is relevant - but - here in Kansas, kinda known for it's wind, it usually dies down around sunset. We do get wind at night sometimes but we get a lot more during the day.

For ERCOT in Texas, it's the other way around: wind generation tends to be higher at night.


Yes, it is well known that the sun shines during the day and the wind blows at night, so together they provide all the baseload we will ever need. Ignore the new coal plants, nothing to see there.

Depends on local geography, but in the mountains - unless there is a storm - it’s typically 10am’ish to late afternoon.

Since most windows are caused by convection in some form.

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