That was what I was worried you'd say. So it doesn't seem like your question is about Python at all, and all your criticism of Python seems entirely unjustified. What you're actually saying is
"I have to work in a language other than Erlang/Elixir and I don't like it"
But Erlang/Elixir are defined by the sort of concurrency model that you say you want, so as far as I can see your question would be just the same if you were asking about Java or Go.
If you have a question like "I can do this in Java or Go. How do I do it in Python?" Then people might be able to help. But please stop with the criticism of Python for not being Erlang/Elixir, since Java and Go also are not that.
This is honestly pretty frustrating trying to build a system like this in Python. If you think asyncio, coroutines, tasks, multiprocessing, threads, subprocesses, etc. are simple and understandable in Python, then I would love for someone to explain them to me in a way that is manageable.
And no, the question would not be the same. Java and Go have proper concurrency substrates. Python does not.
"I have to work in a language other than Erlang/Elixir and I don't like it"
But Erlang/Elixir are defined by the sort of concurrency model that you say you want, so as far as I can see your question would be just the same if you were asking about Java or Go.
If you have a question like "I can do this in Java or Go. How do I do it in Python?" Then people might be able to help. But please stop with the criticism of Python for not being Erlang/Elixir, since Java and Go also are not that.