Sheer brilliance, like everything else Adams says.
But ultimately a pat argument. Why? Because it is simply isn't so. The "old world" contains plenty of stupid inefficiencies and annoyances -- we've just rightfully forgotten about them. Everything from tape-based answering machines, to all those tattered paper maps bursting out of your glove compartment (itself an anachronism as few people wear gloves these day), etc.
Survivorship bias, as another commenter mentioned. There's a grain of truth in what he's saying, but not enough to carry the day.
This is why, after all his books were placed in the humor section of your local bookstore (back when people still read physical books, and knew what a bookstore was).
But ultimately a pat argument. Why? Because it is simply isn't so. The "old world" contains plenty of stupid inefficiencies and annoyances -- we've just rightfully forgotten about them. Everything from tape-based answering machines, to all those tattered paper maps bursting out of your glove compartment (itself an anachronism as few people wear gloves these day), etc.
Survivorship bias, as another commenter mentioned. There's a grain of truth in what he's saying, but not enough to carry the day.
This is why, after all his books were placed in the humor section of your local bookstore (back when people still read physical books, and knew what a bookstore was).