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as a long term apple user, their blatant disregard for fixing bugs is really starting to piss me off to the point where next time i upgrade my phone and computer, i'm probably going back to android/linux. their software is literally a microsoft-tier experience (maybe even worse at this point) across the board now, and i'm not going to keep paying a premium for non-premium bullshit full of stupid bugs any junior dev could figure out.

these are just the bugs i can think of off the top of my head which have existed for literal years:

- on iphone, the haptic and sound feedback from tapping letters on the keyboard has a noticeable lag to it half the time.

- on iphone, the volume of all system sounds shoots up to 100% without warning, even if you're wearing headphones. this bug also reverses the volume level, so you have to turn the volume up to make it go down.

- on iphone, browser tabs just get stuck displaying one page (or sometimes nothing at all) no matter how many times to try to navigate or refresh, and you have to either kill safari and restart it or close the tab and open a new one.

- on mac laptops, the battery drains while sleeping at a rate of about 20% per day. i've been a mac user since 2015 but only since i got an m1 max macbook pro, nearly every time i open the lid, it's dead.

- on mac, sometimes external storage just doesnt show up at all, restarting doesn't work, waiting doesn't work, you literally just have to try again tomorrow and hope for the best.

- on apple music (any platform), music will just stop and it will tell you that another device is trying to play music when it isn't. sometimes this doesnt happen for weeks, sometimes it happens 4 times in a single song and goes on for hours so you have to just stop trying to listen to music.

- on any platform with siri, it will just reset to the default voice/accent regularly, making all the other options useless.

- on any platform with siri, you ask it to remind you about something in x minutes or at x time, siri confirms that it will, then 1/10 times it just... doesn't.

- on apple tv, you randomly lose the ability to navigate left inside whatever app you're in, so you have to kill it and restart it.

- on apple tv, the picture just freezes but the audio continues. you have to just turn it off and on again. happens every 2-3 days.

- on apple tv, about half the time, the native voice search forces you to repeat your search 3 times. you tell it what to search for, it shows up for a split second, then clears. you have to do it three times. this one alone is worth ditching apple over. if i ever find out who introduced this bug and cross paths with them, i will physically attack them on sight.

i actually can even think of more bugs, but i'm bored of typing.

The fun surprise for me after upgrading to Monterey (which I will never stop bringing up in "Mac OS X bug" threads here in case an Apple employee is lurking) is that in new versions of Mac OS X you can't use both Home Sharing in Apple Music and bluetooth headphones at the same time. You can Home Share from Apple Music with wired headphones, and you can use bluetooth headphones with other functionality in the OS. But Apple Music specifically is broken. Possible that this is related to the home sharing being hosted on a really old Mac, but it worked fine on High Sierra!

Apple Music is in general much buggier than iTunes but that's the real dealbreaker for me.

I mostly just use MPD instead, but even that program occasionally has issues, there are a handful of music files that basically cause a fault in the headphones and they dont work right unless I switch to a different song. Still no idea whose fault that is though (OS X? the headphones? MPD?)

On my iPhone 13 Pro, calendar notifications will fail, and the alarm clock will fail to ring. No idea why. I need to reboot my iPhone once a week to fix this issue, and it's been this way since I bought this phone a few years ago. No iOS updates has ever fixed this.

I also have issues with the sluggish interface. Some of my third-party email apps takes several seconds to just load the list of messages. They take milliseconds to load on a Pixel.

My lock screen can sometimes take a bit more than a second to unlock.

The browser dropdown will occasionally load the wrong page when I touch the URL.

The keyboard is more wrong than right, most of the time. Out of all the bugs and problems that make the iPhone almost unusable, it would be the terrible, auto-incorrect keyboard.

The analogy that comes to mind is when the auto industry consolidated to just three large players. Quality was never great to begin with, but it steeply declined after that. It took foreign companies to add real competition to the market.

Apple has been in decline for years now, especially since their only other competitors are Samsung and Google.

Please do stop buying their junk. It's sad to watch people i know squandering so much money to buy buggy stuff that i end up troubleshooting for them. If it were linux we could just fix it ourselves and be done with it, but apple's entitled paternalism is the final insult. "Maybe you're holding it wrong?"

the only reason i've been using their shit is because i rely on software that doesn't exist on linux for certain hobbies and it was still drastically superior to windows which i refuse to use for any reason in my personal time, but now that it's not even better anymore, i'd rather just abandon those hobbies.

I haven't used Windows as a main-box in years, but was seriously considering it for the next upgrade. What's the beef?

For me, when they "accidentally" released a build that showed ads in Windows Explorer it was the end. I absolutely refuse to pay for an operating system which shows me ads. They walked it back after people were outraged and claimed it was a test build not meant for the public, but I don't believe them. I think if they hadn't gotten the push back they did, we would have ads in all facets of Windows today.

not unix-like, forced updates which often break shit, mandatory telemetry, terrible ux, bloat, bugs, separate and clashing visual styles hamfistedly crammed together, hostile pushing of edge and bing... but most of all, it's a microsoft product. microsoft have demonstrated their hostility towards their paying customers time and time again.

for me personally, the final straw was after i had to replace a broken motherboard, windows wouldn't activate. i contacted microsoft and they told me it was a new computer so i had to buy windows again. i ordered a mac that day and gave my pc to a friend. each to their own but personally i'm never letting that dogshit touch any of my personal computers ever again. if i ever want to build a gaming pc again, steamOS is plenty good enough now for my purposes.

I'm using about every Apple product you've listed and only encountered the first problem and even then only sporadically. I won't be saying 'you're using it wrong' but I presume different ways of use or app workload can make a big difference.

Sometimes you go help a person who complains about such things, and they have instaled 50 obscure off-brand apps, all kinds of browser extensions, kexts, background services, crapware, and so on, and the system is like a zoo.

And sometimes these bugs are just stochastic in general. We had an entire 200 person office of macbooks. I'm the only one who got a weird display issue where it would randomly just corrupt the display for a period of time, rebooting wasn't a fix, there was no predictability as sometimes it would corrupt for a few seconds, once it was corrupted all day and I couldn't work. It finally stopped happening when I got a new macbook.

That same macbook also had serious audio "crackle" issues where doing anything that seemingly caused more context switching in the cpu would introduce loud pops to the audio. Rebooting would fix the issue until it would eventually come back.

I had nothing special or interesting installed. These things would happen from using a modern IDE and firefox.

The natural scroll setting of the mouse and the trackpad are bound. You can't have one setting for one device and a different one for the other. It's maddening. Both Windows and Linux handle that easily.

I have experienced all the bug you mentioned but special mention to the Apple Music bug.

I fixed it: I switched to Spotify.

I support your decision to switch to some other manufacturers; I'm doing just that as well. Apple is making way too much money to care and it will get much worse before it gets better, at current prices it is just not acceptable.

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