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Damn that is clever, and something I hadn’t even thought of before. Plenty of people get home and throw their keys by the door, this would absolutely work with a range extender. Does anyone know why keyless became the norm? Cheaper to manufacture than physical keys with electronic security features?

Most "keyless" cars still have a physical key that you can flip out from inside the fob for dead battery emergencies, so there's no cost reduction. It's just customer preference. I know I'd never want to give up keyless entry and push start, it's just so handy to leave the keys in my pocket.

My understanding is this is rapidly being replaced by NFC phone tapping, at least that's what Hyundai is swapping to.

Annoying though, I've really enjoyed not having to dig through pockets to open the car :(

Damn, that sounds so much worse. My Tacoma already has keyless for me to worry about, but at least that doesn’t require an internet connection.

I know that NFC itself does not require an internet connection, but the whole point of requiring a smartphone at all here is to have an app that millions of people MUST install, to collect data to sell. I won’t at all be surprised when they arbitrarily lock NFC keyless behind a required internet connection.

I’m tired boss.

You don’t need an extra app to install a car key in your wallet (if on iPhone). Well, for BMW this is the case, I think Tesla uses a separate UWB solution that is app heavy (but your phone is more like fob and NFC tap isn’t necessary).

I'd compromise with hands-free door unlocking, but some harder method to start the engine.

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