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I think a professional financial planner (which I’m not) would say that 30% is too low, and also advocate holding cash and some bonds. You really have a very aggressive investment portfolio. But personally I don’t mind aggressive investment, and I feel your present allocation may be fine depending on your beliefs and your risk tolerance. Your initial post has this if-I-get-fired/if-I-don’t-get-fired analysis, which I think presents your investments as lower risk than they really are. I think your job and 70% of your investments is going to do whatever tech does. If you still feel ok with that, then I think your allocation is probably matching your beliefs and risk tolerance well.

  Your initial post has this if-I-get-fired/if-I-don’t-get-fired analysis, which I think presents your investments as lower risk than they really are.
The idea is that if I don't get fired, then my job will continue to feed me. If I permanently lose my ability to make money as a software dev, then AI will have taken off and my stocks should now feed me.

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