Worth mentioning "Tangled Web" is probably the best overview of security issues that emerge from browsers and the HTML architecture. http://nostarch.com/tangledweb
I have that book on my Amazon wish list, but the e-book is $39.95 on No Starch's website (so $19.98 after 50% discount), yet is only $17.57 in Kindle format on Amazon, every day. Am I supposed to feel bad about saving $2 but contributing to DRM by buying it for Kindle format?
Honestly, I'm already "locked" into the Amazon world by them having the best e-book reader that I've owned for years (though removing DRM from Kindle books is very easy).
I'm very unlikely to ever read this type of book again after I finish it, so needing it on a non-Kindle format if I were to ever switch to another e-reader is not that important. And unless there's a lucrative, legal resale market for e-books that I'm unaware of, there is really no point in even keeping the file around once I'm done reading the book.
Okay, valid points. But IMO, for an opportunity to vote with your wallet, $2 is as cheap as it gets (not that one sale will change much, but it is a step in the right direction, regardless of how easy it is to strip the DRM).
I love TTW. I've read most of it now. It's detailed, for example the URL parsing discussion. However, Zalewski pulls the details into a big picture narrative.
It immensely benefited me -- a web developer familiar with the craft but lacking depth. It could be a difficult introduction to read cover to cover! By all means get it if you plan a deep relationship with web programming.