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A National Initiative to Cut Academics (nationalreview.com)
2 points by westurner 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

> [ Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching , and the Educational Testing Service (ETS). ]

> Way back in 1906, the former organization gave us the Carnegie Unit, or credit hour, and the latter outfit has for many decades administered a suite of standardized tests including the SAT and GRE. Together, they provide much of the infrastructure on which our education system runs — an infrastructure that they now seek to dismantle.

> In a paper explaining their intentions, they criticize today’s schools for focusing on “a limited set of cognitive skills” — math, reading, historical and scientific knowledge. In a two-part plan, they hope to first dismantle the Carnegie Unit, which measures educational attainment through seat time, and then offer instead a bouquet of “affective skills” such as creativity and collaboration, relying on projects, portfolios, or even transcripts of class discussions to measure them.

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